In October 2022, CNR hosted the 7th European Conference Raw MatTERS Ambassadors at Schools in Bologna. More than 400 enthusiasts with innovative mindsets came to the research area to present and demonstrate great ideas on raw materials education to make raw materials attractive for youngsters. RM@Schools would not exist without EIT RawMaterials, which is the world’s largest innovation community and at the same time the funding entity that finances the RM@School project. Among other activities, EIT RawMaterials sponsors the RawMaterials Academy which has 70 university partners. It was therefore a great pleasure to have Bernd Schäfer, CEO of EIT RM, as a key speaker to open the event. Bernd Schäfer highlighted the importance of education and the crucial role of the young generation. During the main conference day, we had a chance to see 25 video presentations from countries all over Europe. Education quizzes, games, and experiments that were completed by high school students throughout the year were covered in short movies that were recorded by the students themselves. After each video students answered to the questions stimulated by their presentations.

During the breaks and after the event students and their teachers exchanged their experiences in an exhibition located in the lobby of the research area. Each group/country presented the best out of their work and findings. Besides science, each country presented its own culinary specialties like sweets and other typical food. A lot of games, a lot of experience, a lot of delicious food and a lot of fun will remain in the memory of the participants of the event. The RM@chools project started in 2016 with only 6 partners; in 2022 it comprises 30 partners from 19 countries, 160 schools, 30 companies, 11 museums, and 26 universities and research institutes. Active learning is proposed to schools by raw materials ambassadors by involving students in experiments with raw materials’ related hands-on educational kits, in excursions in industries, and in science dissemination activities. The event represented a great opportunity for exchanging ideas and experiences in an atmosphere of inclusion, collaboration and full of energy. We are already looking forward to next year’s event.