The 30th August 2023 join a ” scientific aperitif” moderates by Dr. Gianluca Dotti (Tecnoscienza) to learn about social science, chemistry and Earth science.
Dr. Michele Chiaruzzi, professor of history of political doctrines and international relations at Unibo’s Department of Political and Social Sciences, will take a walk through time and space to question and rethink conflicts and borders and how we cross them.
Dr. Manuela Melucci of CNR-ISOF will discuss about the upcylcing of industrial plastic waste through chemical functionalization and reuse as sorbent materials for purifying water from emerging pollutants such as pharmaceuticals, hygiene products and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which are particularly resistant to current standard purification technologies. The research is carried out in the framework of the European Union LIFE-Rememebrance (https://liferemembrance.eu).
Finally, with Dr. Giancarlo Tamburello of INGV we will learn about the study of volcanic gases.
Reservations are recommended but not required:
🗓️ 30/08/2023
⌚18:30 – 20:00
📍Costarena – Bologna – via Azzo Gardino