The United Nations (ONU) elected February 11th as the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science“. Several ISOF researchers and PhD students will celebrate this day through a communication campaign entitled “Give a selfie for Women in Science”.
The goal of the campaign is to promote scientific contents and scientific women skills and to represent a positive message to young students who aim to choose science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) studies.
The initiative of “Give a selfie for Women in Science” was first launched in 2022 by the “Giulio Natta” Institute of Chemical Sciences and Technologies (CNR-SCITEC); this year, the whole CNR network will support this initiative, with ISOF and other institutes directly involved. The campaign will be promoted and supported through the website of each CNR Institute and the National Research Council website. The stories of our women researcher will be shared and disseminated on the institute and through CNR twitter channels. The first story shared will be, on the 11th February, an exceptional self-portrait of our President Maria Chiara Carrozza, bright example of woman and researcher. CNR celebrates this year its centenary, and “Give a selfie for Women in Science” will be one of 2023 initiatives for this anniversary.
With this initiative, CNR researchers will support the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) of Horizon Europe program (2021-2027) and of National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) as a fundamental step to foster economic, social, educational and territorial development.
“Every day should be #womenscienceday”.
Here you can find the initiative promotion in the news section of the CNR website: https://www.cnr.it/it/news/11656/give-a-selfie-for-women-at-cnr-una-staffetta-per-celebrare-la-giornata-internazionale-delle-donne-e-ragazze-nella-scienza