From the 6th to the 9th of November, Aquatech Amsterdam witnessed the presentation of “Life-Remembrance adsorbers” by CNR-ISOF and MEDICA S.p.A. These innovative adsorbers, patented by CNR-ISOF researchers M. Melucci, M.L. Navacchia, and Medica SpA, were developed with funding from the European Union through the LIFE Programme. Constructed by reclaiming scraps from hollow fiber membranes (HFM), these adsorbers effectively eliminate microcontaminants, including PFAS, from drinking water.

Dr. Manuela Melucci and Dr Sara Khaliha for ISOF-CNR at Aquatech 2023 in Amsterdam.
During the event, we shared the progress of the LIFE Remembrance project with the Advisory Boards and a distinguished audience comprising esteemed customers, scientific and political institutions. We highlighted the achievements aligned with our planned objectives and discussed upcoming significant milestones. One notable step in the pipeline is the testing of the pilot plant at the Gruppo Hera station in Pontelagoscuro, Ferrara, Italy.
Here all the news about Aquatech Amsterdam:

Life-Remembrance adsorbers presented at Aquatech 2023: in this picture Letizia Bocchi (Medica SpA), Manuela Melucci (CNR-ISOF).