e-mail: paolo.dambruoso @isof.cnr.it
Office telephone: +39 051 639 9765
Building: Isof 4 – Floor: 2
Office number: 415
I was born in Putignano on July 15th, 1973.
Since November 2011 I hold a permanent position as Researcher at ISOF-CNR in Bologna.
Graduated in Industrial Chemistry (1999, summa cum laude) at the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry – University of Bologna, developing an experimantal thesis with prof. Alfredo Ricci, I received my PhD in “Science of bioactive substances” at Facolty di Pharmacy – University of Piemonte Orientale (2005), defending the experimental thesis: “New 2’-substituted taxanes: synthesis, structural characterization and biological activity”. Tutor: Prof. Giovanni Appendino
My scientific backgruond and my research interests are based on Synthetic Organic Chemistry.
During my career, developed both in Academia and Industry, I faced with Medicinal Chemistry, Synthetic Organic Chemistry and NMR structural characterization of small organic compounds. I had 3 years of experience in “hit to lead” and “lead optimization” in a big pharmaceutical company; during 7 years of experience both academia and small/medium companies I successfully developed new synthetic methodologies for the synthesis of small focused libraries, as well as innovative NMR-based approaches for the determiantion of relative configiration in organic compounds.
I am strongly fashinated by Biomimetic Catalytic Reactions.
Previous work experiences
November 2010 – October 2011: Senior Scientist in API Development & Manufactoring at Aptuit Verona s.r.l.
July 2010 – October 2010: Senior Scientist in Medicinal Chemistry at Aptuit Verona s.r.l.
January 2007 – June 2010: Senior Scientist in Medicinal Chemistry at GlaxoSmithKline S.p.A. – Mood and Axiety Disordes DPU – Neurosciences CEDD – based in Verona – Italy.
April 2006 – December 2006: Research Associate in Synthetic Organic Chemistry at the “School of Chemistry” of the of “Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences – University of Manchester” (Darren J. Dixon Research Group).
November 2004 – April 2006: Postdoc fellowship in the research group of Prof. Dondoni at University of Ferrara under the supervision of Dr. Alessandro Massi.
November 2001 – October 2004: PhD student in” Science of bioactive substances” at Faculty di Pharmacy, University of Piemonte Orientale, based in Novara (Italy). Tutor: Prof. Giovanni Appendino
October 2003; February 2004 – March 2004; September 2004 – October 2004: Development of NMR methodologies for full characterization of small organic molecules at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Salerno – Italy. Tutors: Prof. Luigi Gomez-Paloma and Prof. Giuseppe Bifulco.
January 2000 – November 2001: Associated at INDENA S.p.A. – Milano, based at Institute I.S.O.F. (former I.Co.C.E.A) – CNR – Research area of Bologna (tutor: Dott. Arturo Battaglia) to develop innovative and patentable methodologies for the paclitaxel synthesis and new anticancer taxanes.
August 2001: scale-up of a paclitaxel synthesis (previuosly set for Indena SpA) in the laboratories of Prof. Francis Johnson at the “Chemistry Departement – SUNY at Stony Brook – NY – USA”. Publications:
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