ISOF researchers are very active in dissemination of their results to the scientific community, industrial stakeholders, general public and younger generations.
They ideated and promoted several successful projects focused on the younger generations, also publishing throughout the last 20 years several books and articles on magazines to increase the awareness of the general public on key problems of our age like energy production, energy usage or plastic pollution. Such publications have collected several awards.
Se links below to know more about:

ISOF staff collaborate with schools in all Emilia-Romagna and close regions by supplying seminars, lab activities and pathways for the transversal competences and the professional orientation (PCTO). In these partnerships, the experimentation of innovative and original education activity in sciences are encouraged with the cooperation of researchers of other CNR institutes and in agreement with the Regional School Agency.
In addition, ISOF organizes training workshops for teacher recognized by MIUR, available on the MIUR platform S.O.F.I.A, and National and European Conferences for Schools
Here the website list of the science dissemination projects for schools, leaded or participated by ISOF:
E-Learning Platform: