Stanford University has recently published an excel database of 2% top-cited scientists in the world, classified into 22 scientific fields and 176 sub-fields.
The massive database lists 195 605 scientists and provides citations, h-index, co-authorship adjusted hm-index, citations to papers and a composite indicator (c-score). The c-score used by the database is based on impact (citations) rather than productivity (number of publications), and takes into account also co-authorship and author positions (single, first, last author).
The list includes eight researchers affiliated to ISOF, with 2 research directors (N. Armaroli and V. Palermo), 3 research associates (A. Del Rio, C. Chatgilialoglu, A. Credi) and 3 retired researchers (F. Barigelletti, G. Barbarella and L. Flamigni). Their work has been highly cited in the main scientific categories of Chemistry (inorganic, organic, medicinal & biomolecular) and Enabling & Strategic Technologies (nanoscience & nanotechnology).
Congratulations to our colleagues, and to all CNR researchers cited!
Author Name | Science-Metrix category (subfield) for author | Higher-level Science-Metrix category (field) for author | Rank of c within category sm-subfield-1 |
sm-subfield-1 | sm-field | rank sm-subfield-1 | |
Armaroli, Nicola | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | 501 |
Barbarella, Giovanna | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | 1 994 |
Barigelletti, Francesco | Inorganic & Nuclear Chemistry | Chemistry | 338 |
Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | 524 |
Credi, Alberto | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | 787 |
Del Rio, Alberto | Medicinal & Biomolecular Chemistry | Chemistry | 1 499 |
Flamigni, Lucia | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | 993 |
Palermo, Vincenzo | Nanoscience & Nanotechnology | Enabling & Strategic Technologies | 812 |
The statistics are calculated for both career-long and calendar year 2021, based on snapshot from Scopus. https://www.elsevier.com/icsr/icsrlab
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