Application deadline: June 26, 2023

We are looking for a highly motivated Senior researcher to join our ongoing research efforts in conducting research activities related to the Scientific Area “Chemical Sciences” to be carried out within the theme “Characterization of Advanced Materials”.
The expected start date for this position is September 1, 2023.
Project Description
The successful candidate will join our experimental team in the creation of functional materials for electronic and optoelectronic applications, development of innovative photovoltaic technology based on organic materials, as well as the creation of biohybrid and bioinspired functional materials for fundamental studies on the relationship between molecular structure, self-organization properties in condensed phases and function (charge transport, light emission) and the production of graphene-based composite materials.
The job location is at CNR-ISOF Institute (Bologna, Italy) in the frame of the Project “Advanced Materials and Key Enabling Technologies “
Start Date: 01/01/2016 end Date: 31/12/2025.
Job Description/Responsibilities
You will perform experimental research, both individually and as part of our team, in the field of chemistry and materials science. Depending on your background and interests, you may contribute to aspects such as the following:
– Production and development of graphene heaters for de/anti-icing application in the field aeronautical
– Morphological and structural characterisation of graphene derivatives and related nanostructured composites reinforced with fibreglass and carbon
– Production and development of graphene-based piezoresistive composites for structural health monitoring in automotive applications
– Development of alternative methods for the production of graphene masterbatches
– Preparation of graphene sheets for NFC antennas
– Development of graphene-based water barrier systems in aviation
– Industrial collaboration in the above areas or possession of a PhD relevant to the experience requested
In doing so, you will take advantage of the extensive infrastructure and expertise available in our team and division. Your research will benefit from regular interactions with our collaborators based in neighbouring divisions as well as with our international partners in the project. We expect you to contribute to the informal supervision of younger graduate students.
You hold a Five-year degree, or Master’s Degree in Industrial Chemistry, Materials Engineering or Master’s Degrees in Science and Technology of Industrial Chemistry Materials Science and Engineering or Degree Diplomas (old system) equivalent to the aforementioned degree classes, and/ or PhD title with a minimum duration of three years in Chemical, Biochemical or Biotechnological Sciences.
You have a strong interest in chemistry and materials science, and in supramolecular processes that take place in materials at the nanoscale.
You have interest in developing and testing new technologically advanced materials
Contract Terms
This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for one year, renewable for multiple years. You need to have documented experience in using the MS-Office package; Good Knowledge of English language;
Application Procedure
The call for application ISOF_268_2023_BO is available at this link:
CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including:
• CV, include complete list of publications
• Two references that we can contact.
Personal Letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-2 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous research fields and main research results
• Describe your future goals and future research focus
Other Documents:
• Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.
Application Deadline: June 26, 2023
For questions, please contact:
Tel: 0516399930