The Division of Organic Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society awards yearly prizes to researchers whose last research works were considered of great impact in the field of Fundamental and Applied Organic Chemistry. The annual meeting of the division (CDCO2023) happened on 10th – 14th of September in Rome, in the astonishing frame of the Aula Magna of University La Sapienza.
One of the young researchers of ISOF, Dr. Marco Agnes, was awarded with the Junior Prize for Research 2023 in the field of the Organic Chemistry applied to Life Sciences “for the accuracy and the multidisciplinary impact of his research activities on the development of carrier systems based on cyclodextrins, enabling the controlled release of therapeutic agents as both antibacterial and anticancer drugs”.

Together with the other awarded researchers, he was invited to present his work to the conference bringing home very stimulating discussions with colleagues in a very inspiring environment.