Senior Researcher
e-mail: ilse.manet@isof.cnr.it
Office telephone: +39 051 639 9808
Building: Isof 4 – Floor: 1
Office number: 313
Short CV:
Ilse Manet graduated in Chemistry in 1992 at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) discussing the thesis “Luminescence properties of lanthanide ions in supramolecular species”, supervisors Prof. N. Sabbatini and Prof. C. Görller-Walrand. In 1998 she achieved her PhD Degree in Chemical Sciences at the University of Bologna, discussing the dissertation entitled “Luminescent molecular devices”, supervisor Prof. V. Balzani. In the period 1999-2000 she collaborated with the group of prof. G. Gottarelli and G. Spada at the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry of the University of Bologna. In 2001 she became permanent researcher at the Istituto per la Sintesi Organica e la Fotoreattività (ISOF), National Research Council, Bologna (Italy). At ISOF her research interested focused on the study of the photophysics and photochemistry of small molecules, in solution and in non covalent complexes with synthetic hosts and biomolecules using different spectroscopic optical techniques. Recently she started working in the field of confocal time-resolved fluorescence microscopy. She has published ca. 80 articles in international peer-review journals. She is active as reviewer for ACS, RSC, Wiley and Elsevier.
Research interest:
During the last years she studied non-covalent interaction of small molecules with hosts of different types. Non-covalent interactions driven by H-bonds, Van der Waals, electrostatic and hydrophobic forces are at the basis of a large number of phenomena of interest in chemistry, biology and material science. Understanding the factors that govern the intermolecular interactions is an important issue. First she looked at the interaction of small chromophoric molecules with different cyclodextrins as model carrier systems and next extended her interest to the study of the interaction of small molecules with human serum albumin, chosen as transport protein and model for other proteins. Recently she also dedicated to the binding of small molecules to DNA, in particular G-rich strands in quadruplex and duplex conformation. She mainly focused on already known photoactive drugs of different classes like NSAID (ketoprofen), antibiotics (quinolones), antitumorals (doxorubicin and sabarubicin) and antimalarials (artemisinin). In the case of photoactive small guest molecules their photophysical and photochemical behaviour has been rationalised in the frame of their complexation behaviour and the complex structural information obtained. She gained expertise in UV-Vis spectroscopic techniques in combination with MM and MD calculations. She used both steady-state and pulsed absorption and emission techniques with picosecond-to-millisecond time resolution and photochemical methods to examine small molecules binding to the host. Recently in the frame of the ITN project Cyclon she extended her interest to the interaction of known drugs with nanoparticles. Since 2010 a confocal time-resolved fluorescence microscopy has been installed in the laboratory. Different studies are carried out; in particular she started with the study of the NPs functionalised with fluorophores performing fluorescence intensity, spectral and fluorescence lifetime imaging. Recently we started collaborations with the University of Bologna and we are currently studying artificial scaffolds for the growth of cell cultures.
Other info:
Coordinator in the following research projects:
- Project title: H2020 MSCA IF “HypoCyclo”
Funding agency: EC
start: 01/09/2020
end: 31/08/2023
Coordinator: Dr. I. Manet
- Project title: H2020 MSCA IF “POLAR STAR”
Funding agency: EC
start: 01/06/2019
end: 31/05/2021
Coordinator: Dr. I. Manet
Principal Investigator in the following research projects:
- Project title: H2020 MSCA RISE “INFUSION”
Funding agency: EC
start: 01/01/2017
end: 31/12/2020
Coordinator: Prof. T. Da Ros
- Project title: 7FP MSCA-ITN “CyclonHit”
Funding agency: EC
start: 01/03/2014
end: 01/03/2018
Coordinator: Prof. R. Gref
Partner in the following research projects:
- Project title: Multimodal cancer therapy implemented with functionalized photoactivable nanoparticles
Funding agency: AIRC
start: 01/01/2013
end: 31/12/2015
Coordinator: Prof. S. Sortino (UNICT)
- Project title: Photoactive molecules targeting telomeric G-quadruplex as multimodal agents in anticancer therapy
Funding agency: AIRC
start: 01/03/2014
end: 28/02/2017
Coordinator: Prof. M. Freccero (UNIPV)
- Project title: 7FP MSCA-ITN “Cyclon”
Funding agency: EC
start: 01/10/2009
end: 30/09/2013
Coordinator: Prof. D. Yannakopoulou