Medica S.p.A. and CNR register the trademark: Graphisulfone®. The idea was born from a collaboration between ISOF-CNR and Medica S.p.A. to promote an innovative technology for high-performance hollow fiber membranes to purify water from contaminants. The succesful results have been achieved, after years of advanced and collaborative research and projects, supported by the European “Graphil” project (Graphene Flagship).
The project, led by Dr. M. Melucci from ISOF, aimed at the development of polysulfone (PSU) hollow fiber membranes, incorporating a carbon-based nanomaterial: graphene oxide (GO), to produce innovative filters for water purification. The interesting achieved results shifted to the industrial development phases, creating the PSU-GO composite membranes (M. Zambianchi et al, Journal of Membrane Science 658 (2022) 120707) prototype of the Graphisulfone®.
Graphisulfone® simultaneously removes emerging microbiological and chemical contaminants, offering superior water purification efficiency compared to conventional systems. The new Graphisulfone® composite has demonstrated superior removal capabilities for various contaminants, including heavy metals and PFAS.

In addition to representing a significant technological milestone, the registration of the Graphisulfone® trademark highlights the importance of cooperation between public research and private enterprises to accelerate scientific progress and translate discoveries into concrete market solutions.
Thank to the support of CNR’s Research Enhancement Unit was particularly valuable in this process.