email: manuela.melucci @isof.cnr.it
Office telephone: +39 051 639 8271-8254
Building: Isof 12 – Floor: 1
Office number: 318
Manuela Melucci
Research Scientist at ISOF-CNR (Bologna, Italy), Ph.D. in Chemistry (2005, Alma Mater Studiorum). Leader of the group of Synthesis of Advanced Materials at ISOF. Main research interests are the design and synthesis of functional organic materials including modified graphene oxide and composites for water purification and biomedical applications. MM is member of the board of the ISOF Institute, of the working group of ‘Advanced Materials’ of the CNR Department of Chemical Science and Materials Technologies (DSCTM-CNR) and member of the standardization committee of the Graphene Flagship. She is coordinatior of EU Project Flagera-GO-FOR-WATER and Deputy Leader of GRAPHIL project, spearhead of the Graphene Flagship, aiming at the industrialization of graphene filters for drinking water remediation by 2023. She is Principal Investigator for CNR of the EU project LIFE-REMEMBRANCE project (2021-2025), Italian project PRIN 2017 Nano-Carbo-Cat and industrial regional projects POR-FESR MEDFil, POR-FESR MEDAIR. MM is also scientific manager of several industrial research contracts (i.e. Mister Smart Innovation scrl, Medica SpA, Tetra Pak Packaging Solutions SpA, Hera SpA). Author of over 95 papers (perspectives, review, book chapters, H-index 28 WoS) and inventor of 10 family of patents on molecular and composite material engineering in partnerships with leading industries in the fields of optoelectonics, water and biomedical filtration.
Group members:
M. Zambianchi, L. Favaretto, C. Bettini, A. Bianchi (PhD), S. Khaliha (PhD), S. Mantovani (PhD), F. Tunioli (PhD)
Ongoing Projects
1) Life Environment 2020
Give plastic wastes from the production of hollow-fiber membranes a second life (LIFE-Remembrance)
2) Graphene Flagship Core 3, Spearhead project,
Graphene Enhanced filters for water purification (GRAPHIL)
3) FLAG ERA III JTC Project Graphene cOmposites FOR advanced drinking WATER treatment (GO-FOR-WATER)
4) Progetti di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale PRIN [2019-2022]
New Approaches in Nanocarbo-catalysis for organic transformations (Nano-Carbo-Cat)
5) Progetti di ricerca industriale strategica rivolti agli ambiti prioritari della strategia di specializzazione intelligente” (DGR 986/2018) all’interno del POR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2014-2020, Asse 1 – Ricerca e innovazione, Azione 1.2.2.
Filtri multifunzionali con elevate capacità di scambio di calore ed umidità (HMEf) e per l’identificazione precoce di infezioni delle vie respiratorie (MEDFIL)
6) Progetti di ricerca e innovazione industriale per soluzioni di contrasto alla diffusione del Covid19-POR-FESR 2014-2020, Emilia-Romagna – Asse 1 Ricerca e innovazione – Azione 1.1.4 Sostegno alle attività collaborative di R&S per lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie sostenibili, di nuovi prodotti e servizi (DGR 342/2020)
Realizzazione di dispositivi mobili microfiltranti per la purificazione di aria in ambienti indoor (MEDAIR) PG/2020/362785
7) Industrial contract ‘Membrane Wastes and process solvents analysis’ with Medica SpA
8) Industrial contract ‘Materials for drinking water treatment’ with HERA SpA (https://eng.gruppohera.it/group_eng/business-activities/water/plants) Publications:
Recent Publications (2019-2020)
1) S. Khaliha, T. D. Marforio, A. Kovtun, S. Mantovani, A. Bianchi, M. L. Navacchia, M. Zambianchi, L. Bocchi, N. Boulanger, A. Iakunkov, M. Calvaresi, A.V. Talyzin, V. Palermo, M. Melucci
Defective graphene nanosheets for drinking water purification: adsorption mechanism, performance, and recovery
Flat Chem 2021https://doi.org/10.1016/j.flatc.2021.100283
2) A. Kovtun, A. Bianchi, M. Zambianchi, C. Bettini, F. Corticelli, L. Bocchi, F. Stante, M. Gazzano, T. Marfolio, M. Calvaresi, M. Minelli, M. L. Navacchia, V. Palermo, M. Melucci
Core-shell graphene oxide-polymer hollow fibers as water filters with enhanced performance and selectivity
RSC Faraday Discussions, 2021, 227, 274-290
3) F. Poletti, A. Scidà, B. Zanfrognini, A. Kovtun, V. Parkula, L. Favaretto, M. Melucci, V. Palermo, E. Treossi, C. Zanardi
Continuous capillary-flow sensing of glucose and lactate in sweat with an electrochemical sensor based on functionalized graphene oxide
Sensors and Actuators B Chemical 344:130253
4) A. Kovtun, E. Campodoni, L. Favaretto, M. Zambianchi, A. Salatino, S. Amalfitano, M. L. Navacchia, B. Casentini, V. Palermo, M. Sandri, M. Melucci
Multifunctional graphene oxide/biopolymer composite aerogels for microcontaminants removal from drinking water
Chemosphere 2020, 259, 127501
5) M. Natali, M. Prosa, A. Longo, M. Brucale, F. Mercuri, M. Buonomo, N. Lago, E. Benvenuti, F. Prescimone, C. Bettini, A. Cester, M. Melucci, M. Muccini, S. Toffanin
On the Nature of Charge-Injecting Contacts in Organic Field-Effect Transistors
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 27, 30616–30626
6) F. Vulcano, A. Kovtun, C. Bettini, Z. Xia, A. Liscio, F. Terzi, A. Heras, A. Colina, M. Melucci, V. Palermo, C. Zanardi
Dopamine-functionalized graphene oxide as a high-performance material for biosensing
2D Materials 2020, 7, 024007
7) M. Prosa, S. Moschetto, E. Benvenuti, M. Muccini, M. Melucci, S. Toffanin
2,3-thienoimide-ended oligothiophenes as ambipolar semiconductors for multifunctional single-layer light-emitting transistors
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020,8, 15048-15066
9) F. Poletti, L. Favaretto, A. Kovtun, E. Treossi, F. Corticelli, M. Gazzano, V. Palermo, C. Zanardi, M. Melucci
Electrochemical sensing of glucose by chitosan modified graphene oxide
J. Phys. Mater. 3 (2020) 014011
10) A. Kovtun, M. Zambianchi, C. Bettini, A. Liscio, M. Gazzano, F. Corticelli, E. Treossi, M. L. Navacchia, V. Palermo, M. Melucci
Graphene oxide-polysulfone filters for tap water purification, obtained by fast microwave oven treatment.A.
Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 22780–22787
14) D. Gentili, M. Gazzano, M. Melucci, M. Cavallini
Polymorphism as an additional functionality of materials for technological applications
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2019, 48, 2502-2517

Recent Patents
1) M. Melucci, V. Palermo, M. Zambianchi, A. Liscio, A. Kovtun, E. Treossi, M.L. Navacchia, L. Bocchi
Method for the treatment of a porous substrate , PCTIB2019058300, WO2020099954
2) M. Melucci, M.L. Navacchia
Porous granules of polysulphone or derivatives thereof for the removal of organic molecules from a fluid
3) 2) M. Melucci, M. Zambianchi, V. Benfenati, L. Bocchi
Modified Membrane, EP3257573
5) M. Melucci, M. Zambianchi, L. Favaretto, R. Capelli, M. Muccini
Thieno [2,3-c] pyrrole-dione derivatives and their use for organic semiconductors
EP2920185, US9450191