May 30th 2023 – An exciting and meaningful day at the Molinella Sustainability Festival. As part of the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the CNR, researchers from ISOF, ISMAR (Bologna) and ISSMC (Faenza) were promoters and organizers of the Sustainability Festival, held at Istituto Comprensivo Molinella, 40km outside Bologna. With the support of 30 teachers, 25 students from Liceo Galvani in Bologna and 14 researchers, more than 400 students of the “Severino Ferrari” middle school were involved in learning-by-doing activities, lessons and workshops.
All activities were developed with the support of National and European projects for schools of which ISOF is the promoter: Change The Game – Giocare per prepararsi ad un futuro sostenibile” funded by CNR, “Raw Matters Ambassadors at schools – RM@Schools” , funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), “BIOBec-Preparing the creation of Bio-Based Education Centers” project in the Horizon Europe-BioBasedIndustries-JTI-2020 program.
The setting, the atmosphere and young participants’ enthusiasm combined with the passion and expertise of researchers created the best context for a constructive dialogue with the new generations that are preparing to face the challenges of a sustainable future.
News from Emilia-Romagna site
Flyer (pdf)
Activities’ Description (pdf)
Projects sites:
https://www.changegame.cnr.it https://biobec.eu/