“La Carbonara Scientifica”
ISOF boasts a long Christmas tradition, the awaited Christmas Lecture, as usual it will take place in the Plenary Hall of the National Research Council in the Bologna Territorial Area. Special guest of this Edition 2023 will be Dr. Chiara Manzi, professor of “Culinary Medicine” at the University of Ferrara and founder of the Cucina Evolution Academy, in 2012.
Topic of the event will be “La Carbonara Scientifica” a theoretical and practical method to explain how to live longer thank to a healthy and balanced diet, rich in fibers, polyphenols, antioxidants and at the same time low in high glycemic index carbohydrates, salt and saturated fats but without experiencing the restrictive stress of common diets and without changing the typical ingredients of each recipe. The solution lies in the Scientific Method of Cooking Evolution, devised by Dr. Chiara Manzi.
ISOF will be pleased to welcome both the researchers and the community of Bologna in this event where science will meet the culinary art!
The registration is appreciated at the following email: segreteria@isof.cnr.it
Where: Plenary Hall CNR, Area Territoriale di Bologna.
When: 19th December 2023, 2.30 pm
Here, the full description of the event: