e-mail: emanuela.saracino @isof.cnr.it
Office telephone: +39 051 639 9771
Building: Isof 4 – Floor: 2
Office number: 430
Born in 1988, I graduated in 2013 in Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy at University of Bologna with a thesis focused on the role of potassium channels in glial cells in the SNC. From October 2013 to January 2022 I was a research fellow at the Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials (ISMN) and at the Institute for the Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (ISOF) of the CNR Area of Bologna, under the supervision of Dr. V. Benfenati.
Actually, I’m part of the permanent ISOF STAFF. Here, I achieved a strong expertise in Neuroscience and in the specific on glial cell physiology (astrocytes), ion channels and functional biophysical properties (mainly electrophysiology).
In 2018 I got a Master in “Biomaterials and Polymers for the Biomedical Application” at the University of Bologna, in 2020 the international Master in ESDP – Online Academy I° Edition by ENRICH in the USA for the “Training in Entrepreneurial Skills Development Program”, in 2022 I got the Ph.D. in “Nanoscience for the Medicine and the Environment” at the University of Bologna.
The main interest of my studies are on the Validation and Characterization of Nanostructured Materials, Interfaces and Devices to probe Glial Cells Function and Dysfunction. My contribution in this field was consolidated by an active participation in several national and international projects (V. Benfenati) and several publications.
Besides my principal interest in neuroscience and physiology and pathophysiology of the brain, I’m also interested to new topics such as:
- Study and Characterization of 3D cell culture models and spheroids.
- Biomaterials, 3D printing and Tests for the animal and human prosthesis and for the surgical guide and applications, by collaborating with 3dBionica SRL.
Other information:
I was winner of a tutoring in the course of Physiology at Biomedical Engineering CDS of University of Bologna, Campus di Cesena, (AA 2018/2019); I have been co-supervisor of several Master Degree thesis (2016-Now); I was tutor of high school students in the MIUR Project: “Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro”, (2016-Now); I’m part of the Scientific Dissemination CNR Project: “il Linguaggio della Ricerca”, with the main topic: “Physiology of the digestive system, the chemistry of nutrients and food education”, (2016-Now); I collaborated with the Zanichelli publishing house for the writing of biological information in published books (2016); I was responsible of the scientific dissemination and analysis of statistical data in the project “RS Sport Re-educator-Center for Prevention and Health Services” (Via Nasica, 41/2, Castenaso, BO) in collaboration with the USL of Bologna, aiming to physiological well-being and psycho-physical efficiency (nutrition, health, physical activity, (2017-2019); I was part of the TASK FORCE of Bologna hospitals in the context of the Coronavirus emergency. The project was agreed by the Sant’ Orsola Foundation with the University and the Local Health Authority of Bologna. The emergency lab we set up supported the national and international healthcare companies in the certification of the surgical masks according to the 34 Article, paragraph 3, of the Decree Law 9/2020; (bio-engineering and microbiological tests aimed at the validation of texture and masks as medical devices), (2020).
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emanuela-saracino-93497480/
Orcid: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0001-9140-3128
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=KOc3LHwAAAAJ&hl=it
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Emanuela-Saracino
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