ISOF researchers have recently published an innovative study regarding the feasibility of sterilizing a water suspension of P3HT nanoparticles (NPs) using ionizing radiation, either gamma-rays or high-energy electrons (e-beam). It was found that regardless of the irradiation source, the size, polydispersity, aggregation stability, and morphology of the NPs are not affected by the treatment. Furthermore, the impact of ionizing radiation on the physicochemical properties of NPs, at different absorbed radiation doses (10-25 kGy) and dose rates (kGy/time), was evaluated through different spectroscopic techniques. Sterility tests indicate that an absorbed dose of 10 kGy, delivered either with gamma-rays or e-beam, is already sufficient for effective sterilization of the colloidal suspension and for reducing the endotoxin content.
Sterilization of Semiconductive Nanomaterials: The Case of Water-Suspended Poly-3-Hexylthiophene Nanoparticles
Advanced Healthcare Materials