On Tuesday, November 7th, the Diotallevi room at the Rimini Fair during Ecomondo 2023 (November 7-11, Rimini) will host an event dedicated to sustainability, circular economy, and new materials.
It will be a “journey” through the present and future moderated by Dr. Gabriella de Girolamo, Director of the Prostand Exhibition Setups Observatory, a company under the Italian Exhibition ,Group, which is the promoter of the event organized in collaboration with CNR-ISOF, the Technopole of Rimini and CIRI FRAME University of Bologna.
Every year, Ecomondo offers a comprehensive program of conferences, seminars and events aimed at exploring the latest technological, regulatory, and market developments in the fields of circular economy for both organic and non-organic supply chains, water resources, ecosystems, regenerative economics, and environmental risk prevention.
For this event, the Scientific Committee of the Prostand Exhibition Setups Observatory, the first dedicated to temporary architecture for sustainable business spaces, is organizing a workshop. The contents of this workshop will answer a question that challenges the industry: “Is it possible to find a synthesis between the architectural structures of temporary setups, technology, and beauty, while combining economic and environmental sustainability?”.
Roberto Bondioli, CEO of Prostand, emphasizes the importance of addressing the balance between “environmental and economic goals, starting from a deep understanding of materials and their potentials.” Ensuring the quality, innovation, and international scope of the content will be the distinguished presence of the speakers in the order of their presentations:
– Dr. V. Palermo, Director of the ISOF Institute in Bologna, writer and scientific communicator and Professor at Chalmers University in Sweden, says “I will talk about the theme of materials from a historical perspective; I will discuss on ‘Wood, Metal and Plastic.’ This is because it’s important to understand what happened in the past to understand where the future will lead us; centuries ago, our ancestors had to make forced choices in terms of materials due to ecological crises and excessive resource exploitation”.
–Dr. R. Laezza, architect, Scientific Coordinator, and lecturer for the Emergency Temporary Circular Architecture Master’s program at IUAV University in Venice will address the theme of “eco-generative architecture“.
–Dr. F. Passarini, professor in the Department of Industrial Chemistry at the University of Bologna and member of the Technical Scientific Committee of Ecomondo, will present a study on the “Life Cycle Assessment” conducted by Prostand.
–Dr. M. Zamponi, Head of Operations at Rimini Italian Exhibition Group will report on the certification of Ecomondo as a sustainable event (ISO 210121).
To attend the event, which is free, it is necessary to have an admission ticket to Ecomondo.
You can request this in advance by writing to gabriella.degirolamo@prostand.com.
See also the event on CNR website: https://www.cnr.it/it/evento/18834