The Advanced Materials, Nanomaterials and Biophysics Working Group at ITALY-U.S. Joint Commission Meeting on Science and Technology Cooperation 26 – 27 January, 2023, Farnesina, Rome.
Chairmen: Luigi Ambrosio (CNR) and Sofi Bin-Salamon (AFOSR)
The Italian and USA delegation performing research activities within the Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology and Biophysics working group actively participated at the two days meeting of the ITALY-U.S. Joint Commission Meeting on Science and Technology Cooperation. The first day was dedicated to the Joint Statement agreement signed by Ma’am Maria Tripodi, Under Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy and Mr. Shawn Crowley, Charge d’Affaires, U.S. Embassy Rome.
Afterwards the meeting was focused on the bilateral scientific activities of the following strategic area of mutual interest: (1) Health and Life Science; (2) Quantum and Information Science; (3) Earth and Climate Science: Risk Reduction; (4) Advanced Materials, Nanomaterials and Biophysics; (5) High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Astrophysics; (6) Fusion: New Developments, Future Possibilities; (7) Artificial Intelligence.
The past, ongoing and future activities on Advanced Materials, Nanomaterials and Biophysics Working Group were discussed in a specific session coordinated by Prof. Marco Gilli, Scientific Attaché – Embassy of Italy Washington and chaired by Luigi Ambrosio, National Research Council of Italy and Sofi Bin-Salamon, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, both reporting also the achievemnts and future activities in terms of young researcher mobility and education, high numbers of projects, the high value of scientific papers and workshops and a unique visionary strategy to implement for the future.

The specific bilateral delegation’s contributions were presented by:
Valentina Benfenati (ISOF-CNR), Wolfgang Losert (University of Maryland), Paola Nicchia (University of Bari), Shashi Karna, (U.S. Army Research Laboratory), Annalisa Convertino, (IMM-CNR), Ishan Barman (Johns Hopkins University), Larry Nagahara, (Johns Hopkins University), Thomas Brown (University of Rome Torvergata), Stefania Cantoni (CIRA), Khershed Cooper (NSF), Claire Chen (NCURA).
In addition, the following scientists joined the meeting in person Maria Grazia Raucci (IPCB-CNR), Roberto Zamboni (ISOF-CNR), Andrea Candini, (ISOF-CNR), Mario De Stefano Fumo (CIRA),.
The speakers clearly reported their achievements within the advanced materials, nanomaterials and biophysics working group highlighting the interdisciplinary and intersectorial approach in generating knowledge, funding opportunity and innovation.
The success of the working group, as witnessed by its inclusion in the signed bilateral cooperation, led to the definition of a future strategy in terms of promoting integration, networking and new education models to foster active paths from basic science to innovation by developing disruptive research and technology activities within the framework of advanced materials, nanomaterials and biophysics working group.
Among these activities it is worthwhile to mention the establishment of the International Institute for Biosensing (https://research.umn.edu/funding-awards/international-institute-biosensing) hosted by the University of Minnesota providing a support for the development of a globally engaged institute. The IIB will bring together an international coalition of experts from academia, nonprofits, industry, and government agencies to create a collective global effort to identify and overcome technical barriers to advancing biosensing research in a broad spectrum of applications, including healthcare, food safety, agriculture, transportation, the environment, animal health, aerospace, national security and water quality. Agreement renew with CNR, University of Rome “Torvergata” and University of Bari are in progress. The IIB, together the inclusion of the Italian Materials Technology Infrastructure (Imatt) of CNR International Environment for Innovation.

International Institute for Biosensing – https://research.umn.edu/funding-awards/international-institute-biosensing. 14 countries, 50+ universities, 100+ researchers. Headquarter: University of Minnesota – International research cohort – Pooling of resources (shared facilities).