Senior Researcher
e-mail: armida.torreggiani @isof.cnr.it
Office telephone: +39-051 639 9821 – 9832
Building: Isof 4 – Floor: 1
Office number: 331
Armida Torreggiani was born in Bologna (Italy). She got a Degree in Chemistry from the University of Bologna in 1992 and a Ph.D in Biochemistry in 1997 from the same University. She got several post-doctoral fellowships from National Research Council (CNR), University of Bologna and Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island (USA). During these years she’s improved her knowledge both in Radiation Chemistry (Pulse radiolysis technique) and spectroscopic field (vibrational spectroscopic techniques, such as Raman and IR). From 1994 to 2000 she was External Collaborator of the Istituto di Fotochimica e Radiazioni ad Alta Energia (FRAE- now ISOF) of CNR (Bologna) and for two years she was a teacher of chemistry at the University of Bologna. Her current positions is Researcher at ISOF Institute.
Type of sector:
Chemical Biology; Raman and IR Spectroscopy;Radiation Chemistry; Hyperspectral Imaging
Main activities and responsibilities:
- From 2014 up to now: Member of the Scientific Commettee of GISR (Interdivisional Group of Italian Chemical Society (SCI)) GISR = Gruppo Interdisciplinare di Spettroscopie Raman ed effetti ottici non -lineari
- From 2010 up to now: Member of Management Committee CM1001 “Chemistry of non-enzymatic protein modification of protein structure and function”
- From 2010 up to now: Coordinator of the CNR-INAF Project “Il linguaggio della Ricerca” for popularising sciences in the Secondary Schools.
- From 2009 up to now: Member of the Scientific Commettee of European Conference on Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (ECSBM)
- From 2008 to 2012: Member of the Scientific Commettee of Italian Society for Researches on Radiations (S.I.R.R.)
- 2012: Organizing Committee Member of 39th Annual Meeting of European radiation Research, (ERR), Vietri sul Mare (SA), 15-19 Ottobre, 2012.
- 2012: Vice-Chair of the II National Congress on Raman Spectroscopy and Non-linear Effects, Bologna june 6-8, 2012.
- 2011:Chair of the Workshop on “Oxidative Stress: Damages, Consequences and Repairs” of the Italian Society for Researches on Radiations (S.I.R.R.), Bologna 27th of May 2011.
- 2010: Organizing Committee Member of the EUCHEM Conference on Organic Free Radicals and of the Annual Meeting of the COST ACTION CM0603, Bologna june 28-july 2, 2010
- 2006: Member of the Organising Committee of XIII National Congress of Italian Society for Researches on Radiations (SIRR), Bologna, november 21-24, 2006.
- 2014: President of the Exam Committee of the PhD thesis entitled “Estudi de la relació estructura-funció de les metal.lotioneïnes en sistemes polimòrfics d’animals (eriçó de mar) i de plantes (soja i gira-sol)” presented by Mireia Tomas I Giner, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain) , 23rd May 2014
- 2009: Member of the Exam Committee of the PhD thesis entitled “Especroscopías ópticas sobre superficies metálicas nanoestructuradas aplicads al estudio de flavonoides: pigmentos amarillos de interes en el patrimonio historico cultural” presented by Dr. Zuzana Jurasekova, Departamento de Ciencias y Técnicas Fisicoquímicas, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distanzia, Madrid (Spain), 29th september 2009.
- 2007: Member of the Exam Committee of the PhD thesis entitled “Study of the structure/function relationship in metallothioneins of invertebrates, plants and protozoans” presented by Dr. J. Domenech (for the European Doctor title) at the University of Barcelona (Spain) 8th January 2007.
Education and training
- 2000-2001: External Collaborator at FRAE Institute (CNR) in the Research Project entitled: “Ionizing radiation in the study of biomolecules and in environment research”.
- 1999-2000: Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Biochemistry Department, University of Bologna on Medical Sciences for studying “Complexes of Protein-substances of biological and/or pharmacological interest with low molecular weight by Raman spectroscopy”.
- 1999: External Professional Collaborator of FRAE Institute (CNR) in characterisation of both radiolysis products of antioxidant compounds by HPLC chromatography and metal-ligand complexes of antioxidants by Raman spectroscopy.
- 1998: Fellowship from Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island (USA).
- 1998: Fellowship from CNR for studying: “Radiation-induced processes in molecules of biological and pharmacological interest” at FRAE Institute.
- 1994-1997: Ph.D in Biochemistry, University of Bologna. Thesis’ title: “Study of model system of antigen-antibody interactions by means of Raman spectroscopy”.
- 1994-1997: External Collaborator at FRAE Institute (CNR, BO) on the Research Project entitled: “Molecular mechanisms induced by ionizing radiations in bio-molecules”.
- 1993: Qualification to Chemist Profession (96/100).
- 1993: Fellowship from CNR for studying: ”Radicals of biological interest: their characterisation and chemical-physical properties” at Institute of Photochemistry and Radiation Chemistry (FRAE – now ISOF).
1992: Degree in Chemistry, University of Bologna (Italy) – grade 110/110. Thesis’ title: “Cryptates of lanthanide ions as luminescence probes” on the studies performed in the laboratory of Prof. V. Balzani.
Principal subjects occupational skills covered:
- Raman Spectroscoy applied to Biomolecules, in particular proteins and metal complexes, and lipids present in human plasma
- Radiation Chemistry used to understand mechanisms of free radicals attack to biomolecules and capability of a substance to act as an antioxidant
- Hyperspectral Imaging by Microscopy applied to study blood cells and materials
Author of more than 90 publications in qualified journals and about 100 communications to National and International Congresses.
Some of the most important publications within the last years (2009-2014):
- Raman Spectroscopy: a Promising Technique for Investigation of trans and cis Cholesteryl Ester isomers in Biological Samples
Applied Spectroscopy, in press
M. Melchiorre, C. Ferreri, A. Tinti, C. Chatgilialoglu, A.Torreggiani - Reactivity of hypotaurine and cysteine sulfinic acid towards carbonate radical anion and nitrogen dioxide as explored by the peroxidise activity of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase and by pulse radiolysis
Free Radical Research, 2014; 48: 1300–1310
A. Baseggio Conrado, M. D’Angelantonio, A. Torreggiani, L. Pecci, M.Fontana - Combined analytical techniques for characterizing biowaste-derived biochars at different temperatures
Journal of Soils and Sediments 2014, DOI 10.1007/s11368-014-0964-7;
Chiara Pituello, Ornella Francioso, Gianluca Simonetti, Annamaria Pisi, Armida Torreggiani, Antonio Berti, Francesco Morari - Metal ions modulate thermal aggregation of beta-lactoglobulin: a join chemical and physical characterisation
J. Inorg. Biochem, 2014, 137, 64–73;
G. Navarra, A. Tinti, M. Di Foggia, M. Leone, V. Militello, A. Torreggiani - Hyperspectral imaging of polymer/fullerene blends
Org. Photonics Photovolt. 2014, 2: 50-58
Armida Torreggiani , Francesca Tinti, Alberto Savoini, Michele Melchiorre, Riccardo Po, Nadia Camaioni - Lipid Geometrical isomerism: From Chemistry to Biology and Diagnostics
Chem. Rev., 2014, 114 (1), pp 255–284; C. Chatgilialoglu, C. Ferreri, M. Melchiorre, A. Sansone and A. Torreggiani - Spectroscopic study of the structural changes induced by free radical stress on oligopeptides for bone regeneration
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 65 (2013) S28-S29; M. Di Foggia, A. Torreggiani, P. Taddei, M. Dettin, S. Sanchez-Cortes, A. Tinti - Hyperspectral enhanced dark field microscopy for imaging blood cells
Journal of Biophotonics 2013 , 6 , 960–967; Giulia Sacco Verebes, Michele Melchiorre, Adianez Garcia-leis, Carla Ferreri, Carla Marzetti, Armida Torreggiani - II Congresso Nazionale di Spettroscopia Raman ed Effetti Ottici Non lineari
La chimica & l’industria, maggio 2013, pag 64- 67
MG. Giorgini, A.Torreggiani, G. Compagnini - Spectroscopic investigation on the structural modifications induced by radical stress on oligopeptides for tissue engineering,
J Raman spectroscopy , 2013, 44, 1446-1450
M. Di Foggia, A. Torreggiani, P. Taddei, M. Dettin, A. Tinti - Non-enzymatic modifications in metallothioneins connected to lipid membrane damages: structural and biomimetic studies under reductive radical stress
J Proteomics , 2013, 92, 204-215
Armida Torreggiani, Chryssostomos Chatgilialoglu, Carla Ferreri, Michele Melchiorre, Silvia Atrian, Merce’ Capdevila - Free Radicals in Chemical Biology: From Chemical Behavior to Biomarker Development
Journal of Visualized Experiments (J. Vis. Exp.) 2013, e50379.
Chatgilialoglu C, Ferreri C, Masi A, Melchiorre M, Anna Sansone, Terzidis M, Torreggiani A - Biomimetic models of radical stress and related biomarkers
CHIMIA , 66 , 368-371
Chatgilialoglu C, Ferreri C, Masi A, Melchiorre M, Anna Sansone, Terzidis M, Torreggiani A - Lipid markers of geometrical radical stress: synthesis of mono-trans cholesteryl ester isomers and detection in human plasma
Journal of American Chemical Society 2011, 133, 15184-15190
Melchiorre, M; Torreggiani, A; Chatgilialoglu, C; Ferreri, C - Combined Raman and IR spectroscopic study on the radical-based modifications of methionine
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2011, 401:1231–1239
A. Torreggiani, S. Barata-Vallejo and C. Chatgilialoglu - Silver nanoparticles active as surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate prepared by high energy irradiation
Vibrational Spectroscopy 2011, 57, 42-48
Z. Jurasekova, S. Sanchez-Cortes, M. Tamba, A. Torreggiani - Use of Raman spectroscopy for the identification of radical–mediated damages in human serum albumin
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2011, 400, 2921-2931; Z. Jurasekova, A. Tinti, A. Torreggiani - Radiation-induced reductive modification of sulfur-containing amino acids residues in peptides/proteins
J Proteomics 2011 , 74, 2264-2273
C. Chatgilialoglu, C. Ferreri, A. Torreggiani, G. Renzone, A. M.Salzano, A. Scaloni - Human serum albumin associated with reductive radical stress
Molecular BioSystems 2011, 7, 889–898
A.M. Salzano, G. Renzone, A, Scaloni, A. Torreggiani, C. Ferreri, C. Chatgilialoglu - Interactions between Oligopeptides and oxidised titanium surfaces detected by Vibrational spectroscopy
J. Raman Spectrosc. 2011, 42, 276-285
M. Di Foggia, P. Taddei, A. Torreggiani, M. Dettin, A. Tinti - Effects of sterilisation by high-energy radiation on biomedical poly-(e-caprolattone) / hydroxyapatite composites
Journal of Materials Science – Materials in Medicine 21 (2010) 1789-1797
M. Di Foggia, U. Corda, E. Plescia, P. Taddei, A. Torreggiani - Raman spectroscopy a promising technique for investigations of metallothioneins
Metallomics 2 (2010) 246-260
A. Torreggiani and A. Tinti - Influence of metal ions on thermal aggregation of bovine serum albumin: aggregation kinetics and structural changes
J. Inorg. Biochem. 103 (2009) 1729-1738
G. Navarra, A. Tinti, M. Leone, V. Militello, A. Torreggiani - Zinc and Cadmium Complexes of a Plant Metallothionein under Radical Stress: Desulfurization Reactions Associated with the Formation of Trans Lipids in Model Membranes
Armida Torreggiani, Jordi Domènech, Ruben Orihuela, Carla Ferreri, Sílvia Atrian, Mercè Capdevila, and Chryssostomos Chatgilialoglu
Chem. Eur. J. 15 (2009) 6015 – 6024 - Structural modifications in metal complexes of a plant metallothionein caused by reductive radical stress: a Raman study
Armida Torreggiani, Jordi Domènech, Anna Tinti
J. Raman Spectrosc. 40 (2009), 1687-1693 - Raman and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) investigation of the quercetin interaction with metals: evidence of structural changing processes in aqueous solution and on metal nanoparticles
Z. Jurasekova, A. Torreggiani, M. Tamba, S. Sanchez-Cortes, J.V. Garcia-Ramos
J. Mol. Struct. 918 (2009), 129-137. - Fabrication of Ag nanoparticles by g-irradiation: Application to surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of fungicides
A. Torreggiani, Z. Jurasekova, M. D’Angelantonio, M. Tamba, , J.V. Garcia-Ramos, S. Sanchez-Corte
Colloids and Surface A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 339 (2009), 60-67. - Vibrational Characterization of Self-Assembling Oligopeptides for Tissue Engineering on TiO2 Surfaces
M. Di Foggia, P. Taddei, C. Fagnano, A. Torreggiani, M. Dettin, S. Sanchez-Cortes, A. Tinti
J. Mol. Struct. 924-926 (2009) 120–126 - Spectroscopic and molecular modeling studies on the binding of the flavonoid luteolin and human serum albumin
Zuzana Jurasekova, Giancarlo Marconi, Santiago Sanchez-Cortes, Armida Torreggiani
Biopolymers 91 (2009), 917-927.
Other info:
She acts as reviewer for the following international journals:
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy;Journal of Molecular Structure;
Inorganic Chimica Acta;Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry;
Analytical Chemistry; Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry;
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology; Chemical Physics Letters;
Journal of Chemical Physics; European Biophysics Journal;
Molecular Nutrition and Food Research; Vibrational Spectroscopy;
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry;
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology;
Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications;
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; Biopolymers; Journal of Biophysical Chemistry;
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics; Metallomics;