The RIKEN Europe Symposium 2024 “Science and technologies, platforms and collaboration for researching human physiology and diseases: enabling organoids” was held on 14th February 2024 in Brussel, chaired by Dr. Ichioka Toshiyasu, Director of the RIKEN Europe Office, at the presence of Dr. Naka Makiko, Executive Director of RIKEN, and His Excellence Aikawa Kazutoshi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Mission of Japan to the European Union.
As japanese leading comprehensive scientific research Institute, RIKEN pursues scientific research in a wide range of research fields and develops/operates research infrastructures. RIKEN is currently reforming its research system with the goal of achieving more integrated and transdisciplinary sciences.
At the Europe Symposium 2024, RIKEN systems were highlighted, taking organoids as a concrete example. RIKEN approach and strengths in research, existing and potential collaborations, the significance and opportunities of international cooperation, and the facilitation of cerebral circulation were discussed.

CNR was present with dr. Angelo Volpi, Senior Associate Researcher at the CNR Brussel Liaison Unit, and dr. Valentina Benfenati, Research Director at CNR ISOF.
Valentina presented the scientific results on the development of materials, interface and approaches to study brain glial cells achieved within the framework of European MSCA Horizon and US AFOSR Projects as well as of international cooperation initiatives, such as US Italian Bilateral Commission on S&T. The invitation to join the event stemmed from the visit of Dr. Ichioka Toshiyasu at the CNR Research Area in Bologna organized by dr. Virginia Coda Nunziante, Head of the International Relations Unit of CNR.